
Wit park


The first regional business unit of Shanghai Service is the group's first brand themed series industrial park consortium, which integrates multiple theme park resources within the group. The Shangfu T-series park will focus on themes such as "Beautiful T Life", "Beautiful T Space", and "Innovative T Industry" to build a smart park operation and management service platform, optimize the park's industrial ecology, and improve the enterprise service resource chain.


Industrial ecological chain

上海祥明服裝有限公司以國資(zī)背景、行業地位及外(wài)部生(shēng)産供應體(tǐ)系爲基礎。 于T園區的全産業鏈生(shēng)态體(tǐ)系整合了原料采購、産品設計、渠道營銷、産品包裝、品牌推廣、知(zhī)識産權保護。 園區堅持數字賦能,實現産業生(shēng)态鏈現代化,補齊産業鏈供應鏈短闆,讓同處一(yī)條價值鏈上的企業不再是一(yī)種簡單的買賣關系,而是一(yī)種戰略合作關系。助力企業創新産品、創新市場、創新替代材料、 創新商(shāng)業模式、創新企業組合以及獲得資(zī)本追逐,做優做強加快培育一(yī)批行業龍頭企業。

Shanghai Garment Group is based on the background of state-owned assets, industry status and external production and supply system. The whole industrial chain ecosystem of Yut Park integrates raw material procurement, product design, channel marketing, product packaging, brand promotion and intellectual property protection.

The park adheres to digital empowerment, realizes the modernization of industrial ecological chain, complements the short board of industrial chain supply chain, and makes the enterprises in the same value chain no longer a simple business relationship, but a strategic cooperation relationship. Help enterprises innovate products, markets, alternative materials, business models, enterprise portfolio and capital pursuit, become better and stronger, and accelerate the cultivation of a number of leading enterprises in the industry.


Resource service chain

上服第一(yī)大(dà)區的戰略出發點是爲企業提供價值,将園區内外(wài)部價值鏈供給與企業的需求高效地匹配起來,通過整合各類型資(zī)源, 滿足企業從創業到長遠發展的各個環節需求,最終将優質企業推向資(zī)本市場。在各方平台資(zī)源的參與下(xià),實現資(zī)源服務鏈的核心價值的完成。

The first regional business unit of Shanghai Service is to provide value for enterprises, effectively match the supply of internal and external value chains of the park with the needs of enterprises, and meet the needs of enterprises from entrepreneurship to long-term development by integrating various types of resources, so as to finally push high- quality enterprises into the capital market. With the participation of platform resources, the core dynamic value of resource industry chain can be achieved.