
上海祥明服裝有限公司進出口有限公司是集團下(xià)屬子公司,主營業務爲服裝紡織品國際貿易,年出口創彙2億多美元,1994年列入中(zhōng)國 進出口額最大(dà)的500家公司排行榜,連續多年被上海市人民政府授予“文明單位”稱号和“出口貢獻”獎,是國家服裝紡織品出口重點骨幹企業。

上海祥明服裝有限公司進出口有限公司依托在國内外(wài)服裝市場上的優良信譽,構建外(wài)貿人才高地,塑造貿易服務形象,務求全面快速的 發展。目前已具備接單、生(shēng)産、産品質量監控、幾年的貿易品種已從各類服裝鞋帽的出口擴展到輕工(gōng)、化工(gōng)、機電(diàn)、建材等産 品的出口,與國際上許多知(zhī)名公司建立了良好的合作關系,赢得了普遍的贊譽。

多樣化梭織服裝,外(wài)衣化針織服裝,時尚化家紡産品始終是上海祥明服裝有限公司進出口有限公司的三大(dà)主要出口品種,其中(zhōng)梭織包括襯衣,休閑服,西服,牛仔服,女士衣服,童裝及褲類等。經過十餘年的發展,公司的出口産品類别不斷豐富,除了紡織服裝以外(wài),公司還具備服裝機械,箱包,玩具,鞋帽,手套,時尚配飾等産品的加工(gōng)出口能力,并将貿易品種擴展到輕工(gōng),化工(gōng), 機電(diàn),建材等産品。符合客戶質量标準的加工(gōng)流程以及生(shēng)産設施,過硬的産品品質,使公司的産品遠銷海外(wài)。




Shanghai garment group import &export co., LTD is a subsidiary group, the main business of international trade, clothing textiles export more than $200 million, 1994 of the 500 largest listed in the China import and export companies, for many years by the Shanghai municipal people's government awarded the title of "civilized unit" and "export contribution award", is the national garment export key backbone enterprises.

Relying on the excellent reputation in the domestic and foreign garment market, Shanghai Garment Group Import & Export Co., Ltd. aims to build a high level of foreign trade talents, shape the image of trade service, and achieve comprehensive and rapid development. At present, we have received orders, production, product quality control, several years of trade varieties have expanded from all kinds of clothing shoes and hats export to light industry, chemical industry, mechanical and electrical, building materials and other products export, and many well-known companies in the world to establish a good relationship of cooperation, has won the general praise.

Diversified woven garments, garment knitted garments and fashionable home textile products are the three main export products of Shanghai Garment Group Import & Export Co., Ltd., among which woven garments include shirts, casual wear, suits, jeans, women's wear, children's wear and trousers, etc. After more than ten years of development, the company's export products are constantly enriched, in addition to textile and clothing, the company also has clothing machinery, bags, toys, shoes and hats, gloves, fashion accessories and other products processing and export ability, and expanded the trade varieties to light industry, chemical industry, mechanical and electrical, building materials and other products. In line with customer quality standards of processing process and production facilities, excellent product quality, so that the company's products are exported to overseas.

Address:5-8F No. 567 Maotai Road, Changning District, Shanghai   Telephone:021-62455212