
地址 / Address:上海市長甯區楊宅路258号No. 258 Yangzhai Road, Changning District, Shanghai    

電(diàn)話(huà) / Telephone:021-52066839    


地      址:上海市長甯區楊宅路258号

面      積:188-1196平方米

聯  系 人:馮經理


租       金:4.5元起/平方米/日

物(wù)       管:0.7元/平方米/日


上服新谷T STAR創意園是上海市文化創意産業重點項目之一(yī),也是長甯區政府“十三五”規劃打造虹橋時尚文化創意産業集聚區重要載體(tǐ)之一(yī),以“時尚文創産業”爲主題,聚集了衆多時尚品牌企業的入駐,主力行業涉及服裝貿易、時尚品牌、面輔料檢測、高級定制、國際時尚教育、文化傳媒、廣告設計、品牌推廣等行業領域。園區緊靠東華大(dà)學延安校區,由法國設計師托瑪斯擔綱設計。

T STAR is one of the key project of cultural creative industry in Shanghai, is also a "much starker choices-and graver consequences-in planning to build" hongqiao district government fashion culture creative industry cluster area is one of the important carrier, with "fashion industry" as the theme, gathered a number of fashion brand enterprises, the main business involves apparel trade, fashion brands, textiles face detection, advanced customization, the international fashion education, cultural media, advertising design, brand promotion and other industries. The park is close to the Yan 'an campus of Donghua University, designed by French designer Thomas.