
地址 / Address:上海市靜安區中(zhōng)山北(běi)路470号No.470 Zhongshan North Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai.   

電(diàn)話(huà) / Telephone:021-36525250


地      址:上海市靜安區中(zhōng)山北(běi)路470号

面      積:43-1322平方米

聯 系 人:丁經理


租       金:2.9元起/平方米/日

物(wù)       管:0.5元/平方米/日


上服新谷T LIGHT創意園位于中(zhōng)山北(běi)路470号,距地鐵8号線西藏北(běi)路站僅100米。這裏是上海祥明服裝有限公司春光服裝廠原址,占地面積近3249平方米,總建築面積10355平方米。園區在2023年完成升級改造,将服裝剪裁文化作爲線索,把時尚鮮明的設計與工(gōng)業底色有機融合。醒目黃色搭配穩重的藏青色,構成園區大(dà)堂主色調。園區内還配備黨建基地、白(bái)領驿站、閱讀空間、共享會議室和媽咪小(xiǎo)屋等,功能多樣、溫馨惬意。

The Shangfu T LIGHT Creative Park is located at 470 Zhongshan North Road, only 100 meters away from Tibet North Road Station on Metro Line 8. This is the original site of Shanghai Fashion Group's Chunguang Clothing Factory, covering an area of nearly 3249 square meters with a total construction area of 10355 square meters. The park will be upgraded and renovated in 2023, using clothing cutting culture as a clue to organically integrate fashionable and distinctive designs with industrial backgrounds. Bold yellow paired with a steady navy blue color forms the main color tone of the park lobby. The park is also equipped with party building bases, white-collar post stations, reading spaces, shared meeting rooms, and mommy cabins, which have diverse functions and are warm and comfortable.