
地址 / Address:上海長甯區虹橋路996弄161号No. 161, Lane 996, Hongqiao Road, Changning District, Shanghai    

電(diàn)話(huà) / Telephone:021-32095181    


地      址:上海市長甯區虹橋路996弄161号

面      積:183-420平方米

聯 系 人:鄭經理


租       金:4.8元起/平方米/日

物(wù)       管:0.7元/平方米/日


上服新谷T  CAT創意園是納入長甯區“十三五”發展規劃的項目之一(yī),以“創新驅動、時尚活力、綠色自然”爲主題的精品時尚文化創意園區,取得長甯時尚創意産業、互聯網和生(shēng)活服務業等多個産業扶持政策,是重點打造培育的項目。園區緊鄰内環高架及延安高架,毗鄰徐家彙和中(zhōng)山公園商(shāng)圈。


T CAT is one of the projects included in the "13th Five-Year" development plan of Changning District. It is a high-quality fashion cultural and creative park with the theme of "innovation driven, fashion vitality, green nature". It has obtained the support policies of Changning fashion and creative industry, Internet, life service industry and other industries, and is a key project to build and cultivate. The park is close to the Inner Ring Viaduct and Yan 'an Viaduct, and adjacent to Xujiahui and Zhongshan Park business districts.